Open to Inspiration

Once you know your intention, you never know where inspiration will come from. My intention is to peacefully move with ease from creation to creation with fun, laughter, and play.  This is how I received guidance from the Universe and how it played out in one situation.

About two years ago, I was watching videos and ran across one about pour painting.  My insides lit up and I had an internal “ding.”  It looked like fun and something I’d love to do even though I never considered myself an artist.  I tried it and fell in love.  I even use it with clients (who are local).

Pretty soon, I was painting up a storm.  And in order to do that, I had to clean out and reorganize my basement so that I had room for storing fresh canvases, creating through painting, drying canvases, mixing paint, and finishing with resin. 

My hobby took over more than my basement.  I also had to clear out time from my schedule.  For the first time, I put reading – and I do a lot – on the backburner.  (I’m still reading, and it now takes a few more days to read a book.)

Painting also helps me clear my head, and I find it very relaxing.  It gives me peace and helps me to live a better life. I cleaned up my physical space and my inner space to allow for something even better.

If your intention is to live a better life filled with more inspiration, try this month’s Manifestation Guide, which is about the Law of Vacuum and how to use it.  In short, you have to clear space to give yourself room to have something new come in, just like I did with the painting.

I’ve done the hard work, figuring out how to manifest, so that I can give you the shortcuts.  Thus, you already have some ease before you even start.

How to Open to Inspiration

  1. Create the space to notice.

  2. Notice where your attention is drawn to.

  3. Notice what gives you a “ding” of excitement.

  4. Notice that when you ask a question, your eyes are drawn to something or your thoughts stray to something new.

  5. Notice if you keep seeing or hearing the same message.

These are all clues from the Universe. In short, notice.  (For more about creating the space, click here. for your March Manifestation Guide, a simple, monthly one-page guide to help you focus on what you truly desire.)

Inspiration is all around us.  We only need to open ourselves to receive it.

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