Anti-Aging Shortcut

“People buy the shortcut to the life they want.”

This was one of the first things I heard at HEALinc Future Health Innovation Summit, an anti-aging conference in Nassau, Bahamas.  My mind immediately decided to take the shortcut.  Here I was at a conference with my husband and lots of other medical professionals, all who are interested in anti-aging from the inside out. 

Anti-aging is more than looking good.  It’s about reversing the internal effects of aging. Think of it as bringing youth to your internal organs.

So how did I take a shortcut?

I set a clear intention:  “Universe, I trust you to bring the people and information to me that I need to know.”   

It was simple and clear.

Then I meditated while sitting in the auditorium.  Yes, I closed my eyes and meditated.  Once you know how to mediate, you can do it anywhere. When you get good at this, you can mediate all day long as you go about your day.  I know this sounds weird, but it’s working.

Every time I felt tension, I relaxed further and further.  Something interesting happened.  I seemed to absorb more information with my eyes closed and not taking notes. 

At one point, my eyes popped open, I saw the speaker, and said, “I need to talk with him.”  Then someone from the audience asked a question.  Again, I said, “I want to talk with him.”  It was just a knowing.

I followed the nudge of the knowing and did an inspired action. I walked up to the second guy and said, “I follow the energy.  I don’t know why I have to talk with you.  Hi.  I’m Judith Joy, a manifestation mentor.”  We talked for about 5 minutes. 

Later in the afternoon, I stood up from my seat to “take a break.”  As soon as I walked out of the auditorium, there he was.  We got into a long conversation that was very interesting.  We exchanged information and will be doing something together at some point.

As for the first guy, I picked up my glass to get more water, turned to walk to the cooler and there he was.  We talked a few times during the day.  He’s involved with a new organization that will fit very well with another desire I’m manifesting.  At the very least, I have a new like minded friend.

I trusted the Universe to send me in the right direction and bring me the information and people I need.  And then I let go as I went high vibe.  Because I dropped the control and worry (Who is it?  Do I have to take notes?  What if I miss something? Etc.), I was able to let go and let the Universe work while living in the moment and listening for the inspired actions. 

This is the shortcut.  Once you get out of your own way, the Universe can do the heavy lifting.  You just have to set the course (know your intention), do your part (be high vibe), and then prepare to receive (a total belief that it will happen and following where the Universe leads you).

And here is a secret that most people don’t realize.  The more you do energy work and let go of the stress and worry, the younger you look and feel.  I’m sure your insides improve also.  (At least mine have.)

The next time you want to take a shortcut to the life you desire, set the intention, be high vibe, believe your desire will happen, and follow where the Universe leads you. Let go of the fear, worry, stress, doubt, and control, and watch as the Universe brings you something even better than you can imagine.

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